We are an international research initiative that explores how leadership, power and political processes drive or block successful development
DLP has produced a vast catalogue of working papers, research papers and research briefs on the topic of leadership and development.
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Developmental Leadership Program (DLP)
We are an international research initiative that explores how leadership, power and political processes drive or block successful development
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Author Profile Baia Warapa

Baia Warapa

Baia Oleam Warapa works for the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Daru, South Fly of Western Province in Papua New Guinea. His role in this capacity is administering a parish and carrying out research and surveys for the church. His past roles include working with International Non-Government Organisations, World Vision and Marie Stopes. With Marie Stopes, he managed a Family Planning program in South and Middle Fly Districts, introducing clinically safe Family Planning choices for mothers in the rural communities where birth and infant mortality rates are some of the highest in PNG.

With World Vision, his engagement was in community development work, using the Healthy Islands motivation as a mindset change tool to intervene into communities. He carried out community mobilizations and baseline surveys before introducing Water Sanitation and Hygiene {WaSH} services to rural disadvantaged communities.

Baia’s experience also includes working in the Torres Strait Islands and some Aboriginal Communities in the city of Perth for three years in a Church project called Global Mission Pioneer. He worked as pastor for the Seventh Day Adventist church and also as a social worker engaging with volunteer groups in Australia to advocate healthy lifestyles for the Torres Strait and Aboriginal communities including coastal villages of Papua New Guinea. He is also a counsellor by training and worked as Chaplain in Mount Diamond Adventist Secondary School with an average student population of no less than 600 for five years. Baia has given much of his time and effort into community developing work to disadvantaged communities and people.

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    DLP has been enormously influential in shaping my thinking and teaching about leadership and change. It combines conceptual clarity, with usable tools in areas such as political analysis, and case studies that are invaluable in bringing complex arguments to life.
    Picture of Duncan Green, Oxfam
    Duncan Green
    The Developmental Leadership Program has deeply influenced my work in supporting locally-led reform in the Pacific.
    Picture of Anna Gibert smiling
    Anna Gibert